Livro didático de história : o manual do professor e a construção de novas metodologias para ensinar a partir de filmes
Resumo: Relata pesquisa cujo objetivo foi investigar as prescrições sugeridas no manual didático de uma coleção da disciplina de História, aprovada no PNLD 2020, quanto ao uso de filmes como recurso didático nas aulas de História. Este gênero foi escolhido pelo potencial que apresenta como outra forma de narrativa da História e seu valor como fonte e documento histórico. A pesquisa analisa o Manual do Professor, do sexto ao nono ano, do Ensino Fundamental, da coleção História Sociedade & Cidadania, do autor Alfredo Boulos, adotada como material único, para todo o estado do Paraná, no período de 2020 a 2023. Foram mapeadas as indicações de filmes feitas pelo autor, como ele propõe o trabalho e o uso dos filmes em sala, se demonstra ou não o seu potencial como fonte histórica. Com a pesquisa em andamento houve a percepção de ausências, no livro didático, de sugestões e de encaminhamentos de atividades para o professor explorar o potencial da linguagem do cinema. Com a intenção de reforçar a importância das produções audiovisuais nas aulas de História, como um facilitador do desenvolvimento do pensamento histórico, pretende-se construir propostas de trabalho, com metodologias de análise de filmes a partir dos conteúdos do livro didático. O material estará disponível para consulta e uso dos professores em um blog, com trechos do filme, indicando as possibilidades de trabalho ao professor, apontando os conteúdos que podem ser abordados a partir deles e cotejando-os com documentos históricos referentes ao período ou fato histórico abordado no excerto fílmico. O filme Olga (2004), foi o escolhido para análise, priorizando questões quanto a representação do passado apresentada no filme; como foi construída essa abordagem; se o filme propõe permanências ou rupturas; dialoga com o senso comum, com memórias históricas, com representações do passado; qual relação estabelece com a historiografia; enfim, qual o contexto da produção do filme e como a sociedade que o produziu representou seu passado no cinema. Ao estabelecer diálogos e confrontos entre o filme e os documentos apresentados, ou outros, que possam ser acrescentados, valoriza-se o caráter pedagógico do audiovisual para a compreensão e interpretação histórica. Abstract: It reports a research whose objective was to investigate the prescriptions suggested in the didactic manual of a collection of the discipline of History, approved in PNLD 2020, regarding the use of films as a didactic resource in History classes. This genre was chosen for its potential as another form of narrative of history and its value as a source and historical document. The research analyzes the Teacher's Manual, from the sixth to the ninth grade, of Elementary School, from the História Sociedade & Cidadania collection, by the author Alfredo Boulos, adopted as a single material, for the entire state of Paraná, in the period from 2020 to 2023. the author's indications of films are mapped, how he proposes the work and the use of films in the theater, whether or not it demonstrates its potential as a historical source. With the research in progress, there was a perception of absences, in the textbook, of suggestions and referrals of activities for the teacher to explore the potential of the language of cinema. With the intention of reinforcing the importance of audiovisual productions in History classes, as a facilitator for the development of historical thinking, it is intended to build work proposals, with film analysis methodologies based on the contents of the textbook. The material will be available for consultation and use by teachers in a blog, with excerpts from the film, indicating the possibilities of work for the teacher, pointing out the contents that can be approached from them and collating them with historical documents referring to the period or historical fact addressed in the film excerpt. The film Olga (2004) was chosen for analysis, prioritizing issues regarding the representation of the past presented in the film; how this approach was constructed; whether the film proposes permanencies or ruptures; it dialogues with common sense, with historical memories, with representations of the past; what relationship does it establish with historiography; finally, what was the context of the film's pIt reports a research whose objective was to investigate the prescriptions suggested in the didactic manual of a collection of the discipline of History, approved in PNLD 2020, regarding the use of films as a didactic resource in History classes. This genre was chosen for its potential as another form of narrative of history and its value as a source and historical document. The research analyzes the Teacher's Manual, from the sixth to the ninth grade, of Elementary School, from the História Sociedade & Cidadania collection, by the author Alfredo Boulos, adopted as a single material, for the entire state of Paraná, in the period from 2020 to 2023. the author's indications of films are mapped, how he proposes the work and the use of films in the theater, whether or not it demonstrates its potential as a historical source. With the research in progress, there was a perception of absences, in the textbook, of suggestions and referrals of activities for the teacher to explore the potential of the language of cinema. With the intention of reinforcing the importance of audiovisual productions in History classes, as a facilitator for the development of historical thinking, it is intended to build work proposals, with film analysis methodologies based on the contents of the textbook. The material will be available for consultation and use by teachers in a blog, with excerpts from the film, indicating the possibilities of work for the teacher, pointing out the contents that can be approached from them and collating them with historical documents referring to the period or historical fact addressed in the film excerpt. The film Olga (2004) was chosen for analysis, prioritizing issues regarding the representation of the past presented in the film; how this approach was constructed; whether the film proposes permanencies or ruptures; it dialogues with common sense, with historical memories, with representations of the past; what relationship does it establish with historiography; finally, what was the context of the film's production and how the society that produced it represented its past in cinema. By establishing dialogues and confrontations between the film and the documents presented, or others that may be added, the pedagogical character of the audiovisual is valued for historical understanding and interpretation.roduction and how the society that produced it represented its past in cinema. By establishing dialogues and confrontations between the film and the documents presented, or others that may be added, the pedagogical character of the audiovisual is valued for historical understanding and interpretation.
- Dissertações [43]
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