Análise de layout de página em jornais históricos germano-brasileiros
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Araújo, Alessandra Belézia, 1989-
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Resumo: Projetos de digitalizacao em massa tem surgido em todo mundo. No Brasil, um dos exemplos e a iniciativa que preocupa-se em disponibilizar acervos brasileiros em lingua alema. Parte de seu acervo e composto por jornais historicos escritos com a fonte gotica Fraktur e precisam ter seus caracteres reconhecidos opticamente. Um bom desempenho nesta tarefa esta relacionado ao sucesso da etapa anterior do workflow de OCR, a analise de layout. As ferramentas OCR open source existentes nao conseguem atingir bons resultados de analise de layout neste tipo de material. Com o objetivo de corrigir esta lacuna, propomos duas abordagens para a analise de layout dos jornais da iniciativa a primeira delas, que chamamos de GBN-MHS, e uma implementacao do algoritmo "MHS 2017 System" proposto por Tran et al. (2017). A segunda abordagem e baseada em deep learning e a nomeamos de GBN-DL. Para avaliar o desempenho dos nossos metodos criamos o German-Brazilian Newspaper Dataset (GBN 1.0) e ja preparamos seu ground truth para analise de layout e tambem para OCR. Comparamos os resultados obtidos pelo analisador de layout do software Tesseract no dataset proposto e os resultados obtidos pelos metodos GBN-MHS e GBN-DL. Criamos dois cenarios de avaliacao: um composto por jornais que foram representados no conjunto de treinamento (Cenario 1) e outro com paginas de jornais que nao foram representados no conjunto de treinamento (Cenario 2). GBN-MHS e GBN-DL atingiram melhores resultados que Tesseract nos dois cenarios avaliados. No Cenario 1, GBN-DL conseguiu 92,81% de acuracia, GBN-MHS obteve 88,12% e Tesseract atingiu apenas 71,83%. No Cenario 2, GBN-DL atingiu 96,96%, GBN-MHS conseguiu 95,16% e Tesseract obteve 88,15% de acuracia. Os bons resultados atingidos pelos metodos propostos demonstram o potencial das nossas abordagens e o experimento tambem comprova como as ferramentas OCR open source existentes nao estao totalmente preparadas para trabalhar com documentos historicos. Palavras-chave: digitalizacao de jornais. sistemas OCR. analise de layout de pagina. segmentacao de paginas de jornais. OCR. OCR em Fraktur. Tesseract. OCRopy. Abstract: Mass digitization projects have emerged around the world. In Brazil, one example is the initiative that aims at providing Brazilian collections in the German language. Part of its collection consists of historical newspapers written in the Gothic font Fraktur which need to have their characters recognized optically. A good performance in this task is related to the success of the previous OCR workflow step, the page layout analysis. The available open source OCR tools are not able to achieve good layout analysis results in this type of material. In order to correct this gap, two approaches to the layout analysis of the newspapers from the initiative were proposed in this work: the first of these, which we call GBN-MHS, is an implementation of the "MHS 2017 System" algorithm proposed by Tran et al. (2017). The second proposal is based on deep learning and we call it GBN-DL. To evaluate the performance of the proposed methods we created the German-Brazilian Newspaper Dataset (GBN 1.0) and have already prepared its ground truth for layout analysis and also for OCR. We compared the results obtained by the layout analyzer from software Tesseract in the proposed dataset and the results obtained by the GBN-MHS and GBN-DL methods. We created two evaluation scenarios: one of them consists of newspapers that were represented in the training dataset (Scenario 1) and the other consists of newspaper pages that were not represented in the training dataset (Scenario 2). GBN-MHS and GBN-DL achieved better results than Tesseract in the two scenarios evaluated. In Scenario 1, GBN-DL achieved 92.81% in accuracy, GBN-MHS achieved 88.12% and Tesseract only 71.83%. In Scenario 2, GBN-DL reached 96.96%, GBN-MHS reached 95.16 % and Tesseract achieved 88.15 % in accuracy. The good results achieved by the proposed methods demonstrate the potential of our approaches, and the experiments also evidence that available open source OCR tools are not fully prepared to work with historical documents. Keywords: digitalization of newspapers. OCR systems. page layout analysis. page segmentation of newspapers. OCR. Fraktur OCR. Tesseract. OCRopy.
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