Revisão do gênero Lycoderes Germar, 1835 (Homoptera: Membracidae)
Abstract: Revision of the genus lycoderes german, 1835. The genus Lycoderes is exclusively neotropical, extending from central amrica until southern part of south America. The major part of the studied material was from brazil. In this paper are presented twenty six (26) species; were not seen- l. phasianus fowler (panama); l. serraticornis fowler (panama); l. miname (buckton). L capitate (from?) and l. luteus funkhouser (peru) - but the otiginals descriptions are transcribed. The genus was divided in two sub-genera: (lycoderisdes) and (ludocerides .s str.) The first group with the following species: l. burmeisteri Fairm.; l fuscus a & s.; l gradates sp. N.; l. hippocampus fabr. and l. brebilobus sp; n.; and the second group with: l.ancora germ.; l. undulates sp. N.; l. furcifer sakak.; l. mitratus germ.; l.reichardti sp. N.; l. gladiator germ.. l. gaffa fairm.; l. fabricci metc. & wade; l.unicolor fairm.; l. folaitus sp. N.; l. turritus sakak.; l. petasus fairm.; l. wygodzinsky sp. N.; and l. alvarengai sp. N. A brief study of external morphology, based on l. furcifer, is given preliminarly
- Teses & Dissertações [10425]